Each year, major Logistics publications such as Food Logistics and Inbound Logistics give awards to 3PL and supply chain providers that work hard on sustainability within their operation. For the 5th year in a row Murphy has been named both a Food Logistics Top Green Provider and an Inbound Logistics G75 Green Supply Chain Partner!
These awards, along with our annual Corporate Sustainability Report release, have made June a big month for Murphy’s sustainability initiatives!
Sustainable Warehousing Highlights:
- Corporate Sustainability Report – GRI Certified:
- We are proud that our CSR is GRI certified for the third year in a row, this a HUGE accomplishment for a small to mid-sized business.
- Becoming the first warehouse in the nation to go through LEED Recertification.
- Reporting our First Employee Commuting Survey gave us better insight to our total energy usage.

Transportation and Brokerage Highlights:
- The Murphy Fleet continues to make updates to trucks and trailers each year, including aerodynamic equipment and alternative fuel sources, to make them more fuel efficient.
- Reducing our carbon footpring for the fourth year in a row.
- Our Brokerage team has a list of Safe Way Certified carriers, ready to handle loads sustainably and efficiently.
Throughout the years we have been fortunate enough to gain some recognition for our sustainability efforts, and as a leader in sustainable supply chain solutions we love to share that news with our clients! We believe that by reducing our environmental impact, we better serve our customers, employees and the community. To put it plainly, we believe environmental sustainability is just the “right thing to do”! At Murphy, being green is a big part of who we are, it’s engrained in our DNA and we will continue to make upgrades to our sustainability initiatives when it makes sound financial and environmental sense!